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Custom schemas

By default, all dbt models are built in the schema specified in your target. In dbt projects with lots of models, it may be useful to instead build some models in schemas other than your target schema – this can help logically group models together.

For example, you may wish to:

  • Group models based on the business unit using the model, creating schemas such as core, marketing, finance and support; or,
  • Hide intermediate models in a staging schema, and only present models that should be queried by an end user in an analytics schema.

You can use custom schemas in dbt to build models in a schema other than your target schema. It's important to note that by default, dbt will generate the schema name for a model by concatenating the custom schema to the target schema, as in: <target_schema>_<custom_schema>;.

Target schemaCustom schemaResulting schema

How do I use custom schemas?

Use the schema configuration key to specify a custom schema for a model. As with any configuration, you can either:

  • apply this configuration to a specific model by using a config block within a model, or
  • apply it to a subdirectory of models by specifying it in your dbt_project.yml file
{{ config(schema='marketing') }}

select ...
# models in `models/marketing/ will be rendered to the "*_marketing" schema
+schema: marketing

Understanding custom schemas

When first using custom schemas, it's common to assume that a model will be built in a schema that matches the schema configuration exactly, for example, a model that has the configuration schema: marketing, would be built in the marketing schema. However, dbt instead creates it in a schema like <target_schema>_marketing by default – there's a good reason for this!

In a typical setup of dbt, each dbt user will use a separate target schema (see Managing Environments). If dbt created models in a schema that matches a model's custom schema exactly, every dbt user would create models in the same schema.

Further, the schema that your development models are built in would be the same schema that your production models are built in! Instead, concatenating the custom schema to the target schema helps create distinct schema names, reducing naming conflicts.

If you prefer to use different logic for generating a schema name, you can change the way dbt generates a schema name (see below).

How does dbt generate a model's schema name?

dbt uses a default macro called generate_schema_name to determine the name of the schema that a model should be built in.

The following code represents the default macro's logic:

{% macro generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) -%}

{%- set default_schema = target.schema -%}
{%- if custom_schema_name is none -%}

{{ default_schema }}

{%- else -%}

{{ default_schema }}_{{ custom_schema_name | trim }}

{%- endif -%}

{%- endmacro %}

Advanced custom schema configuration

You can customize schema name generation in dbt depending on your needs, such as creating a custom macro named generate_schema_name in your project or using the built-in macro for environment-based schema names. The built-in macro follows a pattern of generating schema names based on the environment, making it a convenient alternative.

If your dbt project has a macro that’s also named generate_schema_name, dbt will always use the macro in your dbt project instead of the default macro.

Changing the way dbt generates a schema name

To modify how dbt generates schema names, you should add a macro named generate_schema_name to your project and customize it according to your needs:

Note: dbt will ignore any custom generate_schema_name macros included in installed packages.

❗️ Warning: Don't replace default_schema in the macro.

If you're modifying how dbt generates schema names, don't just replace {{ default_schema }}_{{ custom_schema_name | trim }} with {{ custom_schema_name | trim }} in the generate_schema_name macro.

If you remove {{ default_schema }}, it causes developers to override each other's models if they create their own custom schemas. This can also cause issues during development and continuous integration (CI).

❌ The following code block is an example of what your code should not look like:

{% macro generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) -%}

{%- set default_schema = target.schema -%}
{%- if custom_schema_name is none -%}

{{ default_schema }}

{%- else -%}
# The following is incorrect as it omits {{ default_schema }} before {{ custom_schema_name | trim }}.
{{ custom_schema_name | trim }}

{%- endif -%}

{%- endmacro %}

An alternative pattern for generating schema names

A common way to generate schema names is by adjusting the behavior according to the environment in dbt. Here's how it works:

Production environment

  • If a custom schema is specified, the schema name of a model should match the custom schema, instead of concatenating to the target schema.
  • If no custom schema is specified, the schema name of a model should match the target schema.

Other environments (like development or quality assurance (QA)):

  • Build all models in the target schema, ignoring any custom schema configurations.

dbt ships with a global, predefined macro that contains this logic - generate_schema_name_for_env.

If you want to use this pattern, you'll need a generate_schema_name macro in your project that points to this logic. You can do this by creating a file in your macros directory (typically named get_custom_schema.sql), and copying/pasting the following code:

-- put this in macros/get_custom_schema.sql

{% macro generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) -%}
{{ generate_schema_name_for_env(custom_schema_name, node) }}
{%- endmacro %}

Note: When using this macro, you'll need to set the target name in your job specifically to "prod" if you want custom schemas to be applied.

generate_schema_name arguments

custom_schema_nameThe configured value of schema in the specified node, or none if a value is not suppliedmarketing
nodeThe node that is currently being processed by dbt{"name": "my_model", "resource_type": "model",...}

Jinja context available in generate_schema_name

If you choose to write custom logic to generate a schema name, it's worth noting that not all variables and methods are available to you when defining this logic. In other words: the generate_schema_name macro is compiled with a limited Jinja context.

The following context methods are available in the generate_schema_name macro:

Jinja contextTypeAvailable
varVariableLimited, see below
Other macros in your projectMacro
Other macros in your packagesMacro

Which vars are available in generate_schema_name?

Globally-scoped variables and variables defined on the command line with --vars are accessible in the generate_schema_name context.

Managing environments

In the generate_schema_name macro examples shown above, the context variable is used to change the schema name that dbt generates for models. If the generate_schema_name macro in your project uses the context variable, you must additionally ensure that your different dbt environments are configured appropriately. While you can use any naming scheme you'd like, we typically recommend:

  • dev: Your local development environment; configured in a profiles.yml file on your computer.
  • prod: The production deployment of your dbt project, like in dbt Cloud, Airflow, or similar.

If your schema names are being generated incorrectly, double check your target name in the relevant environment.

For more information, consult the managing environments in dbt Core guide.