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Measures are aggregations performed on columns in your model. They can be used as final metrics or serve as building blocks for more complex metrics.

Measures have several inputs, which are described in the following table along with their field types.

nameProvide a name for the measure, which must be unique and can't be repeated across all semantic models in your dbt project.Required
descriptionDescribes the calculated measure.Optional
aggdbt supports the following aggregations: sum, max, min, count_distinct, and sum_boolean.Required
exprEither reference an existing column in the table or use a SQL expression to create or derive a new one.Optional
non_additive_dimensionNon-additive dimensions can be specified for measures that cannot be aggregated over certain dimensions, such as bank account balances, to avoid producing incorrect results.Optional
agg_paramsSpecific aggregation properties such as a percentile.Optional
agg_time_dimensionThe time field. Defaults to the default agg time dimension for the semantic model.Optional
label*How the metric appears in project docs and downstream integrations.Required
create_metric*You can create a metric directly from a measure with create_metric: True and specify its display name with create_metric_display_name.Optional

*Available on dbt version 1.7 or higher.

Measure spec

An example of the complete YAML measures spec is below. The actual configuration of your measures will depend on the aggregation you're using.

- name: The name of the measure
description: 'same as always' ## Optional
agg: the aggregation type.
expr: the field
agg_params: 'specific aggregation properties such as a percentile' ## Optional
agg_time_dimension: The time field. Defaults to the default agg time dimension for the semantic model. ## Optional
non_additive_dimension: 'Use these configs when you need non-additive dimensions.' ## Optional
label: How the metric appears in project docs and downstream integrations. ## Required


When you create a measure, you can either give it a custom name or use the name of the data platform column directly. If the name of the measure is different from the column name, you need to add an expr to specify the column name. The name of the measure is used when creating a metric.

Measure names must be unique across all semantic models in a project and can not be the same as an existing entity or dimension within that same model.


The description describes the calculated measure. It's strongly recommended you create verbose and human-readable descriptions in this field.


The aggregation determines how the field will be aggregated. For example, a sum aggregation type over a granularity of day would sum the values across a given day.

Supported aggregations include:

Aggregation typesDescription
sumSum across the values
minMinimum across the values
maxMaximum across the values
averageAverage across the values
sum_booleanA sum for a boolean type
count_distinctDistinct count of values
medianMedian (p50) calculation across the values
percentilePercentile calculation across the values


If the name you specified for a measure doesn't match a column name in your model, you can use the expr parameter instead. This allows you to use any valid SQL to manipulate an underlying column name into a specific output. The name parameter then serves as an alias for your measure.

Notes: When using SQL functions in the expr parameter, always use data platform-specific SQL. This is because outputs may differ depending on your specific data platform.

For Snowflake users

For Snowflake users, if you use a week-level function in the expr parameter, it'll now return Monday as the default week start day based on ISO standards. If you have any account or session level overrides for the WEEK_START parameter that fix it to a value other than 0 or 1, you will still see Monday as the week start.

If you use the dayofweek function in the expr parameter with the legacy Snowflake default of WEEK_START = 0, it will now return ISO-standard values of 1 (Monday) through 7 (Sunday) instead of Snowflake's legacy default values of 0 (Monday) through 6 (Sunday).

Model with different aggregations

- name: transactions
description: A record of every transaction that takes place. Carts are considered multiple transactions for each SKU.
model: ref('schema.transactions')

# --- entities ---
- name: transaction_id
type: primary
- name: customer_id
type: foreign
- name: store_id
type: foreign
- name: product_id
type: foreign

# --- measures ---
- name: transaction_amount_usd
description: Total USD value of transactions
expr: transaction_amount_usd
agg: sum
- name: transaction_amount_usd_avg
description: Average USD value of transactions
expr: transaction_amount_usd
agg: average
- name: transaction_amount_usd_max
description: Maximum USD value of transactions
expr: transaction_amount_usd
agg: max
- name: transaction_amount_usd_min
description: Minimum USD value of transactions
expr: transaction_amount_usd
agg: min
- name: quick_buy_transactions
description: The total transactions bought as quick buy
expr: quick_buy_flag
agg: sum_boolean
- name: distinct_transactions_count
description: Distinct count of transactions
expr: transaction_id
agg: count_distinct
- name: transactions
description: The average value of transactions
expr: transaction_amount_usd
agg: average
- name: transactions_amount_usd_valid #Notice here how we use expr to compute the aggregation based on a condition
description: The total USD value of valid transactions only
expr: CASE WHEN is_valid = True then 1 else 0 end
agg: sum
- name: transactions
description: The average value of transactions.
expr: transaction_amount_usd
agg: average
- name: p99_transaction_value
description: The 99th percentile transaction value
expr: transaction_amount_usd
agg: percentile
percentile: .99
use_discrete_percentile: False #False will calculate the discrete percentile and True will calculate the continuous percentile
- name: median_transaction_value
description: The median transaction value
expr: transaction_amount_usd
agg: median

# --- dimensions ---
- name: metric_time
type: time
expr: date_trunc('day', ts) #expr refers to underlying column ts
time_granularity: day
- name: is_bulk_transaction
type: categorical
expr: case when quantity > 10 then true else false end

Non-additive dimensions

Some measures cannot be aggregated over certain dimensions, like time, because it could result in incorrect outcomes. Examples include bank account balances where it does not make sense to carry over balances month-to-month, and monthly recurring revenue where daily recurring revenue cannot be summed up to achieve monthly recurring revenue. You can specify non-additive dimensions to handle this, where certain dimensions are excluded from aggregation.

To demonstrate the configuration for non-additive measures, consider a subscription table that includes one row per date of the registered user, the user's active subscription plan(s), and the plan's subscription value (revenue) with the following columns:

  • date_transaction: The daily date-spine.
  • user_id: The ID pertaining to the registered user.
  • subscription_plan: A column to indicate the subscription plan ID.
  • subscription_value: A column to indicate the monthly subscription value (revenue) of a particular subscription plan ID.

Parameters under the non_additive_dimension will specify dimensions that the measure should not be aggregated over.

ParameterDescriptionField type
nameThis will be the name of the time dimension (that has already been defined in the data source) that the measure should not be aggregated over.Required
window_choiceChoose either min or max, where min reflects the beginning of the time period and max reflects the end of the time period.Required
window_groupingsProvide the entities that you would like to group by.Optional
- name: subscription_table
description: A subscription table with one row per date for each active user and their subscription plans.
model: ref('your_schema.subscription_table')
agg_time_dimension: metric_time

- name: user_id
type: foreign

- name: metric_time
type: time
expr: date_transaction
time_granularity: day

- name: count_users_end_of_month
description: Count of users at the end of the month
expr: 1
agg: sum
name: metric_time
window_choice: min
- name: mrr_end_of_month
description: Aggregate by summing all users' active subscription plans at the end of month
expr: subscription_value
agg: sum
name: metric_time
window_choice: max
- name: mrr_by_user_end_of_month
description: Group by user_id to achieve each user's MRR at the end of the month
expr: subscription_value
agg: sum
name: metric_time
window_choice: max
- user_id

- name: mrr_end_of_month
type: simple
measure: mrr_end_of_month

We can query the semi-additive metrics using the following syntax:

For dbt Cloud:

dbt sl query --metrics mrr_by_end_of_month --dimensions metric_time__month --order metric_time__month 
dbt sl query --metrics mrr_by_end_of_month --dimensions metric_time__week --order metric_time__week

For dbt Core:

mf query --metrics mrr_by_end_of_month --dimensions metric_time__month --order metric_time__month 
mf query --metrics mrr_by_end_of_month --dimensions metric_time__week --order metric_time__week


Metric nodes will reflect dependencies on semantic models based on their measures. However, dependencies based on filters should not be reflected in:

This is because metrics need to source nodes for their depends_on attribute from a few different places:

  • RATIO and DERIVED type metrics should reference Metric.type_params.input_metrics.
  • SIMPLE type metrics should reference Metric.type_params.measure.

For example, when you run the command dbt list --select my_semantic_model+, it will show you the metrics that belong to the specified semantic model.

But there's a condition: Only the metrics that actually use measures or derived metrics from that semantic model will be included in the list. In other words, if a metric only uses a dimension from the semantic model in its filters, it won't be considered as part of that semantic model.